93 research outputs found


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    Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) provide the opportunity to control external devices using the brain ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) signals. In this paper we propose two software framework in order to control a 5 degree of freedom robotic and prosthetic hand. Results are presented where an Emotiv Cognitive Suite (i.e. the 1st framework) combined with an embedded software system (i.e. an open source Arduino board) is able to control the hand through character input associated with the taught actions of the suite. This system provides evidence of the feasibility of brain signals being a viable approach to controlling the chosen prosthetic. Results are then presented in the second framework. This latter one allowed for the training and classification of EEG signals for motor imagery tasks. When analysing the system, clear visual representations of the performance and accuracy are presented in the results using a confusion matrix, accuracy measurement and a feedback bar signifying signal strength. Experiments with various acquisition datasets were carried out and with a critical evaluation of the results given. Finally depending on the classification of the brain signal a Python script outputs the driving command to the Arduino to control the prosthetic. The proposed architecture performs overall good results for the design and implementation of economically convenient BCI and prosthesis

    A Soft Anthropomorphic & Tactile Fingertip for Low-Cost Prosthetic & Robotic Applications

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    Nowadays, prosthetic and robotic hands have reached an amazing dexterity and grasping capability. However, to enhance a proper tactile 'experience', dexterity should be supported by proper sensation of daily life objects which such devices are supposed to manipulate. Here we propose a low cost anthropomorphic solution for the integration of a force sensor within a biologically inspired fingertip. A commercial force resistive sensor is embedded within a human-like soft fingertip made of silicone: the housing of the sensor - a 3D printed bay embedded within the fingertip - is analyzed via Finite Element Analysis and optimized to enhance sensor response. Experiments validate the design and proposed solution

    A Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Kinesthetic Feedback in Virtual Reality

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    This paper presents a novel two-fingers exoskeleton kinesthetic in-teraction in Virtual Reality (VR): the proposed design of the exoskeleton priori-tizes the performance of the device in terms of low weight, good adaptability to different size of the human hand. This design made also the exoskeleton well wearable and allows strong force feedback which is an important parameter for a realistic kinesthesis of manipulated objects in VR

    Positional Non-Cooperative Equilibrium

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    This paper presents and analyses a game theoretic model for resource allocation, where agents are status-seeking and consuming positional goods. We propose a unified framework to study the competition for resources where agents’ preferences are not necessarily ordered according to the absolute amount of goods they consume, but may depend on the consumption of others as well as on individual valuation of the goods at stake. Our model explicits the relation between absolute good distribution, individual evaluation and the level of consumption adopted by the opponents; such relation has the form of a status function.We show that given a certain set of properties, there exists only one possible status function. The competition mechanism implemented to maximise one own’s status is central in this work. As a result of the mathematical formulation, we show that the standard utility-maximisation paradigm emerges as a special case (non-positional competition). We then define a new class of games where the individual evaluations are negotiable and serve only the purpose of maximising one own’s status

    Design of a robotic flexible actuator based on layer jamming

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    This research paper provides an insight into one of the most promising fields of robotics, which brings together two main elements: the traditional or rigid robotics and the soft robotics. A branch of soft-rigid robots can perform and modulate soft and rigid configurations by means of an approach called jamming. Here we explore how to use layer jamming, namely a set of layers within a flexible membrane, in order to design soft robotics. The paper introduces a quick overview of the history of soft robotics, then it presents the design of a functional prototype of soft-rigid robotic arm with the results of preliminary trials and discussion of future advances where we show the capability of the system in order to lift up possible loads

    Design of an Omni-Direction Robot with Spherical Wheels

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    We proposed the design of an omni-direction robot which embeds 4 spherical wheels. The wheels are connected to 4 DC motors and controlled through an L298N boards which is powered with 2 LIPO batteries. A low-cost Arduino board oversees the system by controlling the motion and speed of the motor. The wheels of the robot integrate an omni-directional mechanism and all components have been designed in Fusion 360 (Autodesk ®), manufactured with a 3D printer (Ender 5) an then assemble and integrated with the hardware and software of the sytem. Preliminary tests show that the proposed solution is promising and provide a good reference for the manufacturing of low-cost robot

    A Low-Cost Embedded Computer Vision System for the Classification of Recyclable Objects

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    Due to rapid urbanization, increasing population and industrialization, there has been a sharp rise in solid waste pollution across the globe. Here we present a novel solution to this inefficiency, by the use of embedded Computer Vision (CV) in the Material Recovery Facilities (MRF). The proposed architecture employs software (i.e. Tensorflow and OpenCV) and hardware (i.e. Raspberry Pi) as an embedded platform in order to classify daily life objects according to their visual aspect. The CV system is trained using mod-ules contained within the TensorFlow API with two datasets, namely the Trash-Net and a combination of the TrashNet and a set of web images. This solution allows greater accuracy, with a baseline performance of 90% which drops to 70% when deployed on the embedded platform, due to the quality of the images taken by an integrated camera for the real-time classification. The speed results are also promising with a baseline speed of 10 FPS at simulation level, which drops to 1. 4fps when running on the platform. Such a system is cheap at less than £ 100, it is perfectly adequate to be used to identify recyclables in the MRF for sorting

    Design of a set of interfaces to estimate whether computer games improve user’s skills and abilities

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    This paper presents a set of interfaces to estimate the impact of playing computer games over a short period of time on players skills and abilities such as memory, reaction time and hand eye coordination. A review over other studies that have been conducted on the field with compares methodology and results is reported. The a set of 3 different systems is presented with the design of experimental protocols in order to validate such systems. Four subjects are selected at random, with all different ages and past computer game experience. These 4 subjects are all tested with the 3 proposed systems (i) before playing the computer games and (ii) after that. Results of suggest that playing computer games over a short period of time can slightly improve the reaction time and the short-term memory, as well as the hand eye coordination

    E-Mobility: dynamic mono-phase loads control during charging session of electric vehicles

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    This paper presents the primary objective of a research project which aims at enhancing the world of e-mobility by highlighting the continuous evolution and demand of the Electric Vehicle (EV) in modern cities and the consequent need for more and more innovative charging systems. Here we focused on a current and incoming EV drawback, namely the variety of EV charging methods which are currently available in the market. An adaptive solution, which is suitable for both domestic and working environments, is presented, where single-phase recharging points are applied with non-high power. The task is to provide a user-friendly support for any end-user who wants to acquaintance with the EV world. Three stages are characterizing this approach: (1) the search for new solutions for the charging of electric vehicles, (2) the finalization and achievement of the proof of concept and product, (3) a set of functional tests (i.e. the validation). The proposed product is preserved from electric blackout during the EV recharging phase within a typical daily life domestic activity: this result is achieved through a combination of smart devices, an intelligent framework and the charging point. An optimized calculation program supervises this architecture and it allows the real-time interaction and communication between all the components by carrying out a dynamic control of the loads

    A Surveillance Mobile Robot based on Low-Cost Embedded Computers

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    Robot technology is everywhere from health to retail. It is very rare to see the use of robots in developing countries. It is also a big task for companies to hire staffs for the purpose of monitoring as it requires to work especially in the night. It is also dangers for human. It is a good idea to have some robots for the purpose of monitoring. This paper focuses on the development of surveillance mobile robot using an Arduino board, an ESP32 board and a Raspberry PI sys-tem. The robot is a proof of concept of possible robotic application in warehouses where monitoring technologies need to be embedded in the system. In this con-text, the device is equipped with a servo motor and an on-board camera. The end-user can monitor the robot remotely by wirelessly controlling the position of the servo (i.e. the camera). The camera module is controlled by the Raspberry PI and incorporate a motion detection system which provides an alarm and capture the image frame as soon as the motion is detected. Finally, the image is sent to the end-user. A set of preliminary test of the system has been performed in order to proof the reliability of the proposed prototype
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